What is Vegetable Tanned Leather?

Veg Tan Vs Chrome Tan

If you're looking for a high-quality leather product, you may be wondering whether to choose vegetable-tanned or chrome-tanned leather. While both types have their benefits, there are several reasons why vegetable-tanned leather is the superior choice. Firstly, vegetable-tanned leather is more environmentally friendly than chrome-tanned leather. The process of chrome tanning involves the use of toxic chemicals, which can be harmful to both the environment and the people involved in the tanning process. In contrast, vegetable tanning uses natural materials such as tree bark, which is a much more sustainable and eco-friendly option.

Durable, Beautiful

Another advantage of vegetable-tanned leather is its durability. Vegetable-tanned leather is known for its strength and longevity, making it an excellent choice for products that will be used frequently or exposed to harsh conditions. Additionally, vegetable-tanned leather develops a beautiful patina over time, which adds to its unique character and charm. This is in contrast to chrome-tanned leather, which can crack and fade over time, losing its original appearance and quality.

The Environmental Choice

Finally, vegetable-tanned leather is a healthier option for both the environment and the people who use it. The chemicals used in chrome tanning can be harmful to the skin and can cause allergic reactions in some people. Vegetable-tanned leather, on the other hand, is free from these harmful chemicals and is a safer and healthier option for both the consumer and the environment. So if you're looking for a high-quality, eco-friendly, and durable leather product, vegetable-tanned leather is the way to go.

Tanning vegetable tanned leather